Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Hope Santa is good to you...
Much Love, Rusty, Keri, Morgan & Reagan

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Sometimes the best things are unplannned...

Well its Thursday, night before Morgan's last day at school for Christmas Break. I am trying to keep her on something that resembles a school bedtime until she is actually out, but this happened. After they were bathed and teeth brushed (last steps before bed) I was showing Morgan her pictures with the Rockettes that I had posted on the blog, WELL Reagan overheard a little Crystal Gayle from my Playlist and it was on! Don't it Make My Brown Eyes Blue is one of her favorite songs, the hair brush Karaoke was under way...
Morgan got in on it with her own performance of Dolly Parton, Here you Come Again, & Here I go!!They were having so much fun, it was really cute. I can't wait for the next few weeks that they are both home with me. We are off to San Antonio tomorrow for a weekend of Riverwalk & Holiday in the Park at Fiesta Texas. Have a great weekend!

Thursdays with ?

What if I am Santa Claus. Kind of makes you think huh?

Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas,

Big Ra

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Partying with the Rockettes

Today my niece, McKenna, celebrated her 4th birthday. All of the kids got out of school early for lunch, presents, and getting the Rockette's autographs! My mom had ordered all of the girls Rockette dolls, that would be autographed at the store today. It was very exciting, and the lady dancers were very cordial and genuine with each girl.

Happy Birthday Kenna, it was a lot of fun.

The Birthday Girl:

Morgan's kickin' up Texas style! Her doll was in the 2007 Candy Cane outfit, which was the year we actually saw the Rockettes perform so she was really stoked about getting that particular doll.

Gumdrops, and Icing, and Gingerbread...Oh My

Last Friday Morgan had a few friends come home with her after school to decorate gingerbread houses. They had a really good time and did a decent job decorating. I did not do a good job taking pictures at all!! Sadly i have only 2 pics, and none include their finished products.



Thursday, December 11, 2008



Snowy Surprise

What a treat last night to get some snow in Pearland, Texas! After school it was nasty, but no talk of snow, by 5:30 the neighbors were ringing the door bell and we were playing in the flurries outside. The best was after we thought it was over, and kids were bathed and in bed, Ray asleep already, I went out to check on things and it was snowing really hard and everything was completely covered. I ran and got Morgan and she woke Reagan up for them to see it. They were just SO excited. It was an early Christmas present!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Monday Night Football: Battle Red

We scored tickets to Monday's Texans game with my brother and sister in law. The game was fun, but the roof was open and it got pretty chilly in the stadium. Of course theTexans won, which was nice, but also Kevin Fowler performed outside the stadium before the game. All in all a really fun night, the pictures are from Rusty's camera so they are not the greatest, but you get the gist...

This is the dumbest picture of me with the pom pom, but if i didn't post it, he was going to...enjoy!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Three men died on Christmas Eve and were met by Saint Peter at the pearly gates.'In honor of this holy season' Saint Peter said, 'You must each possess something that symbolizes Christmas to get into heaven.'The first man fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a lighter. He flicked it on. 'It represents a candle', he said.'You may pass through the pearly gates' Saint Peter said.The second man reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. He shook them and said, 'They're bells.'Saint Peter said 'You may pass through the pearly gates'.The third man started searching desperately through his pockets and finally pulled out a pair of women's panties.St. Peter looked at the man with a raised eyebrow and asked, 'And just what do those symbolize?'The man replied, 'These are Carols.

'And So The Christmas Season Begins......

Sunday, November 30, 2008

There are Signs!

Yep, there are beginning to be several signs that Christmas is coming here at the DeBorde's! When we got back from the deer lease, the girls' elves had arrived, Marty and Rupert. They stay with us to watch over them and report to the Big Man about how they have been. Morgan gets very into this and takes care of her elf. I am not sure Reagan is too happy to have someone watching over her! The girls also got THEIR tree put up, no your screen isn't going bad, it is a big pink tree!

Target Practice

Well we headed to the deer lease after all of our Thanksgiving Feasts! Before we left we bought Morgan a new BB Gun, so she could start getting used to using it and learn the very important gun safety rules. Rusty was really hard on her, if we are going to continue hunting and being in that environment with him, the girls need to understand how powerful the guns are and that they are not a toy. Morgan was a little hesitant at first, but by the time we were leaving she was getting pretty good, Ray may need some work!

Here's our target:

The learning: If you notice the squinting of her eyes, she was so afraid it was going to be loud at first, unfortunately I don't have any of her later in the trip when she much more confident.

Reagan had to move up very close to the target, a bigger target, to hit it, she finally did!

They had fun, but really if the only thing there was a four wheeler, they'd be happy. It was a great Thanksgiving & we have so much to be thankful for.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday with Rusty on hump day?

I like turkey so much that I go to bed every night with a breast in my mouth and a leg in each hand!

Happy Thanksgiving,
Big Ra

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thursday w/ RD

Empty what is full,

Fill what is empty...

And scratch where it itches.


Big RA

Monday, November 17, 2008

Who Lives in a Pineapple Under the Sea?

Yep! New Spongebob Square Pants PJs... life is good.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday with Rusty...points to ponder

Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.

Be careful where you stick that thing!


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Won't be like this for long...

So I totally stold this link from another blog,(Thanks Alexis & Jill) but it is so worth a listen for any parent or parent to be (Sorry Patty, grab a tissue with your hormone overload!) Enjoy! It is Hootie from Hootie and the Blowfish, his real name is Darius Rucker.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Change on Thursday with Rusty

Wow! It seems that change is already starting to happen even on the local level in good old Pearland Texas. Companies are hiring smiling facing and...the Mc Ribs is back!!!

God Bless America!
Big Ra

While Mama Cat's Away...

My little mice did play! While I was in Canton over the weekend, Rusty took the girls along with my niece Maci & my brother Wade, AKA Uncle Boog, to the deer lease. Nothing was killed to say the least, Rusty claims there wasn't a deer within 3 counties for as loud as the girls were in the blind. Which translates to he shot and missed :-) (Yeah there's a story there) Anyway, he just sent me some pictures of their trip, from what I can see only a couple "Mom" rules may have been broken

For starters I don't let them ride on the back of the Jeep like this, he does! Reagan drug her feet and they found her boots like 200 yards back, surely that is safe.

No infraction in this one that I can tell, just a cute one of them hangin' in the deer blind
Little nap time for Boog and Morgan, cute blankie WadeOutside, on the 4 wheeler, no shoes!

They all had a blast, my biggest concern is that my girls have on the same clothes (2days) in every picture...I am sure he was trying to save on laundry!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Reagan Louise...The Toothless Wonder

Last night after I got back in town, and was putting the girls to bed, Reagan lost her first tooth! Now this is not that big of a deal after Morgan has already lost so many, and the tooth fairy has made various visits. Somehow this one didn't set so well with me. This starts the changing of their looks from baby to kid, I knew it was coming, she's had this wiggler for a while now, but I wasn't that excited last night. Surprisingly, she is not all that excited, she's been talking about it forever, and all she did was cry because she is embarrassed, none of her friends have lost teeth yet, and she doesn't want anyone to know. Well that changed a little this morning when she looked under her pillow...a whopping $10 for her first tooth. Could have had something to do with how much cash the Fairy had on her at the time... anyway that perked her up a little. She went to Mother's Day Out today, but I was instructed to not tell anyone, and she ws just sitting there with her mouth closed..ought to be a fun day!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thursday with Big Ra...distributed equally regardless of wealth

This may come as a surprise to everyone, but I think I would make a great president. The following are a few of the things I believe in:

~I believe that sometimes you have to fight for things you believe in.

~I believe that there is no such thing as a fair fight.

~I believe that heaven does not only wait for those who congregate.

~I believe that it is way to easy to get a divorce.

~I believe that discrimination is a two way street.

~I believe in hard work and clean living and that I should be able to decide how I spend my hard earned money.

~I believe that if you do not vote, you should not complain.

~I believe that we should ask our nation's youth their opinion on certain can learn alot from a kid.

~I believe that the American indians are getting the worst end of the deal.

~I believe in John Wayne, who once said "courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway"!

I am RD...and I approve this message.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What if....

Rusty and I had dated in the 60's...

Good lookin' couple! Do you think our kids would have had to have silly glasses too!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

We Did the Mash...The Monster Mash

Saturday night we went to a Halloween party at Mike and Maxine Stark's house, you would not believe how beautiful they had decorated everything! They really threw a great party and the kids had a blast. Everyone was in rare form with their costumes... I'll start with just my crew of witches and a vampire.

All of the kids were adorable though, they wore the DJ out with all the karaoke. Morgan said at point she had to take a break from all the singing, she thought she was going to lose her voice!The adults ranged from hippies to witches, from Nacho Libre to Colt McCoy, from 50's theme to pimps and Barbies & even a Hot Dog!

My favorite was Chris & Sonya & Marissa AKA Troy, Gabriella, & Sharpay from High School Musical, something about them in wigs just cracked me up! What a fun night...Happy Trick or Treating to all of you & Happy 6th Birthday today to my niece Maci!