Monday, November 3, 2008

Reagan Louise...The Toothless Wonder

Last night after I got back in town, and was putting the girls to bed, Reagan lost her first tooth! Now this is not that big of a deal after Morgan has already lost so many, and the tooth fairy has made various visits. Somehow this one didn't set so well with me. This starts the changing of their looks from baby to kid, I knew it was coming, she's had this wiggler for a while now, but I wasn't that excited last night. Surprisingly, she is not all that excited, she's been talking about it forever, and all she did was cry because she is embarrassed, none of her friends have lost teeth yet, and she doesn't want anyone to know. Well that changed a little this morning when she looked under her pillow...a whopping $10 for her first tooth. Could have had something to do with how much cash the Fairy had on her at the time... anyway that perked her up a little. She went to Mother's Day Out today, but I was instructed to not tell anyone, and she ws just sitting there with her mouth closed..ought to be a fun day!

1 comment:

Angie Holt said...

Wish the tooth fairy had been so generous when I was little. And in the middle of a recession:)!!!