Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thursday with Big Ra...distributed equally regardless of wealth

This may come as a surprise to everyone, but I think I would make a great president. The following are a few of the things I believe in:

~I believe that sometimes you have to fight for things you believe in.

~I believe that there is no such thing as a fair fight.

~I believe that heaven does not only wait for those who congregate.

~I believe that it is way to easy to get a divorce.

~I believe that discrimination is a two way street.

~I believe in hard work and clean living and that I should be able to decide how I spend my hard earned money.

~I believe that if you do not vote, you should not complain.

~I believe that we should ask our nation's youth their opinion on certain can learn alot from a kid.

~I believe that the American indians are getting the worst end of the deal.

~I believe in John Wayne, who once said "courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway"!

I am RD...and I approve this message.


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