Thursday, November 6, 2008

While Mama Cat's Away...

My little mice did play! While I was in Canton over the weekend, Rusty took the girls along with my niece Maci & my brother Wade, AKA Uncle Boog, to the deer lease. Nothing was killed to say the least, Rusty claims there wasn't a deer within 3 counties for as loud as the girls were in the blind. Which translates to he shot and missed :-) (Yeah there's a story there) Anyway, he just sent me some pictures of their trip, from what I can see only a couple "Mom" rules may have been broken

For starters I don't let them ride on the back of the Jeep like this, he does! Reagan drug her feet and they found her boots like 200 yards back, surely that is safe.

No infraction in this one that I can tell, just a cute one of them hangin' in the deer blind
Little nap time for Boog and Morgan, cute blankie WadeOutside, on the 4 wheeler, no shoes!

They all had a blast, my biggest concern is that my girls have on the same clothes (2days) in every picture...I am sure he was trying to save on laundry!

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