Thursday, August 28, 2008

TWR...keeping a solid grasp on your priorities

Just like any other Tuesday, I was in a rush to prepare for a client meeting. As always, I was even Steven, I had things done just in the nick of time and looked like a duck on the surface. I was calm, cool, and collected and scrambling like crazy underneath. That is when Keri called me from behind the scenes quite upset that made me think about just where my head was at and gave me a reality check about what matters most. Chili dog has adult heart worms. She has them because I did not administer her preventive medicine as prescribed. She has them because I was too busy taking care of what I thought was important. She picks my ducks up for me in the freezing cold, she waits at the back gate for me until I come home late from work, and she protects my family from harm when I am away, and this is the gratitude I have for her. The veterinarian says there is know guarantee that she will survive the painful two month treatment that she will have to endure but that she has had a great success rate. Chili looks in my eyes and seems to say, when I am well, I can't wait to go hunting.

I am sorry Chili.

Please don't make the same mistakes that I have, be it with a loved one or anyone or anything else.

Oh, and say a prayer for Chili.



Keri DeBorde said...

You are being way to hard on yourself & your priorities are right where they need to be...don't forget that. Chili Bear is going to be fine in a few months & will be getting Morgan's ducks. Remember, we are even steven, Doodle got better & Chili will too. Lovin ya on a long Labor Day Weekend!!!

Patricia said...

Awwww! :( I promise to say a prayer for Chili.

Mendi said...

Sayin' prayers for Chili! BTW I love the burnt orange background. Hook 'em!

Anonymous said...

Chili makes me feel safe too, knowing she is next door and on guard. I will be saying prayers for her and I know she will be OK. She is lucky to be a DeBorde!