Friday, August 8, 2008

GSP 2008: The River

Last but not least is the river. This is where we spent most of our time. There was no floating this year because of the river being so low, but we found plenty of nice swimming holes to waste our days away.

The jumping is right behind the pavillion in the park, we could sit there and hear the music from the juke box playing. It was a good spot this year, unitl it got popular and crowded and we moved.

As Gary P. nunn would say "Body surfin' the Frio,
It's Saturday night in Del Rio"
You can see Mo and Ray's heads as they body surf through the rapid.

No comment on Wade& Rusty.

Flying Reagan!

The minnows we caught, some of them.

Here's McKenna, sorry Julie's face isn't clear!

The Rope swings...

SIDE NOTE: Neal's didn't serve the stewed green beans while we were there this year, but it didn't really affect Rusty's performance... He had the CFS special with plain green beans here's a before and after shot:


Kiddos outside at Neal's:

Well that's it for Garner. I have many more pictures, I'll put them in the slide show. I'm sure it is obvious we had a great vacation and are already looking foward to next year. Well I guess we will get a vacation if Rusty's financial planning works out with Mr. Halata!

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