Sunday, July 20, 2008

You want to go where?

Despite my parental judgement, we headed to the zoo on Friday. I warned of the heat, but the excitement of animals trumped reality. We walked about 15 minutes before the first complaint of heat and sore feet, I secretly said "I told you so", but really we kept on and had a really nice day.

As a treat I had Kayla and Collin for the day, so they joined us on our journey to the Houston Zoo, thanks Collin for caving and agreeing to the zoo or we might still be in my living room trying to decide how we would spend the day...As I see it the girls won out this time, next time is Collin's choice.
We made a stop at the carousel, I didn't ride so I got to sit in the shade and take pics.

The girls got in an Eagles Nest, Pretty impresive nest to fit these 3 turkeys...
The heat called for a snow cone break...

Check out Reagan's face and see if you can guess what color snow cone she chose.
We beat the heat, and had a really fun day. Thank you Tim & Julie for sharing the kiddos with us & for dinner that night.

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