Monday, July 14, 2008

Kickin It In Kerrville

In a sort of unplanned way, the girls and I headed to Kerrville and met up with the Cochrans, Leggios, and Halatas. As you may have read in Rusty's Thursday blog, he did not join us. We missed him too. We came home on Friday, and I have not blogged about our trip because we brought home a stomach bug and the girls and I have been sick since we got home. YUCK! All is well now and I have some pictures to post.
The Moms had absolutely no fun at all!
Thanks to all of you for letting us join you! We had a great time. There were teary eyed kids in my car as we drove off! My last pic, I know there are a lot but i hate to leave anyone out, is the girls in the back seat as we drove home. With me driving and no other adult passenger, they behaved wonderfully. I think I may have only heard "Mama" a few times.

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