Monday, September 1, 2008

Whoop Whoop!

Saturday we loaded up and met our OJT camping group at Lake Texana. It was HOT! The lake was filled with alligators, there was not a shade tree to be seen, BUT.... we mangaed to conjure up quite a few laughs, mix up some cocktails, eat like kings, pulled out the cards, there was even some dancing and singing and that was just from the adults. The kids had a ball as usual also, but they stayed inside a lot because of the heat, the only real outdoor activity was the redneck homemade slip n slide (see pictures), may not have been pretty, but it kept them entertained.Ladies of the group!
We called Reagan "Flashdance" after she came out wearing this suit, headband and all.
Zsa Zsa &Bella, the puppies first camping trip & the kids loved her & she was held a lot!The police paid us a visit... a friendly one this time we weren't in any trouble they were just giving a weather update.

the guys got this bright idea to tape Coors Light cans together to measure how many beer cans tall Jill is, she is 11 3/4 cans tall, but we didn't stop there...we had our very own lighting rod!

Now... here is some of the dancing and singing I mentioned before, Jason & Jill you had us a" ALL Jacked UP" from what I can remember!

1 comment:

Mendi said...

Looks like a laid back blast! One tiny request...label who is each picture so I know who I'm lookin' at. :-) I wish we lived closer to ya'll to take part in all your great festivities! Maybe one day...