Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My First Blog!

Morgan (8) Reagan (4)

Ok so I am such a follower! I have been reading everyone's blogs and now I am joining in. I will start with a few pics of the families & after our little Memorial weekend getaway I will have some new pics to share.
The most recent I have now are Easter. The girls were dressed for a party and on the way home Rusty and I were suckered into buying them a bunny and two baby ducks after a few Mimosas at the Easter party...fast foward to May and we have only a bunny. Yeah there is a story there about having a trained duck hunting dog in the same yard with DUCKS! We have had to say good-bye to Bella and Alyssa the duckies. But Oreo is still kicking it as the most recent addition to the DeBorde clan & boy am I thrilled.
Morgan, Reagan & Oreo

1 comment:

Mendi said...

I'm so glad you started a blog! Now I can keep up with you!
...you follower-ha ha!